-Platform operating systems: Backend and Rendering Cent OS 7, NODE JS, APACHE or Nginx as required.
Use of platforms: Linux, Windows and Macos since it is a cloud-based web application (PWA)

-The main USE browsers: Chrome, Safari, Opera, EDGE, Mozilla Firefox. All Chromium-based browsers.


The main objective is to help in the implementation of technological solutions that support PRONTO BPO’s business line, as well as to advise the institution on processes that may affect its performance and management.

Solutions, responsible for meeting and raising the requirements of the institution and designing the user experience of the solutions.


The personal experience a customer has with a service or product is of great value. We focus on first call resolution to ensure a good experience for every customer that calls in. We make sure that when our agents finish their training they leave as experts so that they can solve any scenario.


Sales is one of our greatest strengths. We have the experience to be able to meet and exceed the established goal. We achieve this by hiring our agents with great experience but also by keeping them highly motivated and with regular training sessions. We have outperformed our customer’s own sales teams.


Pronto BPO consider customer service a top priority in every campaign. From the moment they start training, they are instilled with a customer service culture that matches the values of our company. They are also frequently audited to ensure that they are able to provide the assistance the customer expected when they contacted us.

∙ Billing Support
∙ Account Inquiries
∙ Claims Processing
∙ Complaint and Problem Resolution
∙ Order Management

No Downtime

  We are the only Call Center in Guatemala and El Salvador that did not have any downtime while moving operations to each home of our workers. Getting 90% of the staff to work safely in their homes in Guatemala and El Salvador, while the Government was taking measures of dispute and prevention against COVID-19.…